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Unser Song für Dänemark!


Liebe Freunde ! Dear friends ! Chers amis ! Der Song hat 2.53 Min, geschrieben von Bastian Lee Jones, arrangiert und recorded von BLJ´s Produzenten René Schostak. Eine feine Mid- bis Uptempo Dance Nummer mit einer markanten Hookline: "Say you will, say you will, never ever hurt me anymore.....say you will, say you will try to do it better than before....!" (EARMErecords LC 29347) Das Video ist unter größter Eile entstanden. André Böhm (HELIOSfilm) und sein Partner und Assistent Somer Abbas Yacoub (beide: Regie, Kameras, Licht, Ersterer: Schnitt und Postpro) haben Bastian Lee Jones und seine zauberhafte Videopartnerin Svenja Spinkler so ins Licht gesetzt, das otpisch trotz des Dancetracks noch ein Bezug zu dem performenden Sänger am Flügel/Stagepiano besteht. Herzlichst gedankt an alle Beteiligten ! Und zum Mitsingen der Text: SAY YOU WILL (by Bastian Lee Jones) Verse You feed me with your charm that I´ve missed, I´ve stopped counting the days since I´ve been kissed. Now I´m surprised ´bout so much care, what´s the reason for it - but I am so scared, that I don´t dare to ask: Is there something to repair ? Refrain Say you will, say you will never ever hurt me anymore ? Say you will, say you will try to do it better than before ? Say you will, say you will never ever hurt me anymore ? Say you will, say you will try to do it better than before ? Say you will, say you will - but don´t say that you´ll have me standing at your door once more ! Verse The only answer that I get, is exaggerated care to distract me. Deceitful silence, no regrets, what is to regret if nothing´s clearly said, if you expect me to accept it - then help me to forget it ! Refrain Say you will, say you will never ever hurt me anymore ? Say you will, say you will try to do it better than before ? Say you will, say you will never ever hurt me anymore ? Say you will, say you will try to do it better than before ? Say you will, say you will never ever hurt me anymore ? Say you will, say you will try to do it better than before ? Say you will, say you will - but don´t say that you´ll have me standing at your door once more !

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